When a package is shipped, it may be delivered by a terminal courier that is different from the courier used for the initial transportation. A terminal courier is the courier that handles the final delivery to the recipient's address.

However, S.F. Express does not reveal the terminal courier on its consumer-oriented website. You may visit an internal-use S.F. tracking site to find out which terminal courier is responsible for delivering your package, along with the terminal tracking number.

On the internal-use tracking site, you may input your S.F. tracking number to see if a terminal tracking number is generated. If it is generated, it will appear as "Agent Number". You may query the "Agent Number" on Aftership, or any general-use third-party tracking site, to find out the terminal courier.

Please visit our help page for more detailed information.

Unfortunately, we are unable to display the terminal courier information directly on our tracking page due to limitations imposed by S.F. Express. S.F. does not grant us access to their tracking API, and their tracking site utilizes heavy anti-bot features to prevent us from routing information to you.

It is also inconvenient to provide you with simply the internal-use tracking site as it doesn't parse tracking numbers automatically. Previously we had provided customers with the internal-use tracking site as the tracking link attached to the order, but we were overwhlemed by complains about "the tracking link doesn't show tracking". The confusing expression of "Agent Number" can also be misleading to customers.

Most international leading couriers put significant effort into making tracking easy and user-friendly but S.F. seems to be on the opposite side. While it's difficult for us to change them, we are doing our best to make it easier for you to track your package with measures like this website.

We use S.F. Express for our international shipping because it allows us to offer significantly lower shipping costs to our customers. Shipping directly from the country of manufacturing, usually China, can result in savings of up to 50% for our European customers and up to 80% for our Asia Pacific customers, compared to shipping from the US.

In addition, we sometimes also use S.F. Express to ship to our customers in the Americas to reduce freight time and cost, which helps us keep a lower retail price on some of our products.

Although S.F. Express's IT development is not as advanced as what we expect, they are the best courier in China and provide top-quality service on their domestic products. Their international products are still in a start-up phase, but so far they have maintained a considerably good service quality. We'd like to see them improve their international service in the future.

We have also tried other Chinese couriers, and honestly speaking, they are much worse. We appreciate your understanding of our efforts to keep our shipping costs low while maintaining good service quality.